Dear ASECTT Member:
ASECTT has joined ATA and others in calling for Administrator Ferro to voluntarily remove publication of SMS Methodology from the web. See Tom Sanderson's letter.
The Inspector General report on SMS Methodology was issued on March 7, 2014. See Fleet Owner Article "DOT IG faults CSA data quality, interventions" by Avery Vice, and the CCJ Article "DOT Inspector General audit points out more shortcomings in CSA" by Kevin Jones. The IG did not consider the effectiveness of the SMS Methodology, but noted that only 10 states had fully implemented SMS interventions and that needed software would not be available until May of 2015. See document on the IG Report.
Finally, see the letter to Ms. Ferro from Paul Stewart, an excellent attorney and ASECTT member which provides an analysis of SMS Methodology and the historical context of the much criticized SafeStat scoring system which SMS Methodology mimics.
Finally, see the letter to Ms. Ferro from Paul Stewart, an excellent attorney and ASECTT member which provides an analysis of SMS Methodology and the historical context of the much criticized SafeStat scoring system which SMS Methodology mimics.
Two independent government agencies, GAO and IG have now issued reports critical of SMS Methodology.
Among other things that SMS Methodology:
1) has no proven correlation to individual carrier performance
2) lacks sufficient data to measure less than 20 truck fleets which make up the vast majority of motor carriers, and
3) has not been approved for the Agency's own use or implemented by 40 states.
Yet, not withstanding consistent criticism from all industry segments, the Agency seems undeterred in its attempts to tout SMS Methodology as ripe, fit, and intended for shipper and broker use. In addition, the Obama administration has included $184 million in next years budget for Compliance, Safety and Accountibilty (SMS) (see Transport Topics 3/1014, p.41).
If ASECTT constituents including member trade associations and individual members wish to join ATA, ASECTT and others in asking the administrator to remove SMS Methodology, we would appreciate receiving a copy of your correspondence.
Yours Truly,
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