ASECTT et al. v. FMCSA

Petitioner's Brief (12/04/2012)

Addenda to Brief - Addendum 1 Only (12/05/2012)

AFA Amicus Curiae Brief (12/11/2012)

NCLC Amicus Curiae Brief (12/12/2012)

Petitioner's Reply Brief (2/11/2013)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. The FMCSA has invented a monster that they cannot control nor enforce. All of our competitors have egregious scores and the FMCSA does nothing. Whenever I have reported something of merit, nothing is done and there is no follow-up. Brokers don't even look at the score-just the price of the dray. Whenever I learn about an accident and look up the carrier-OMG! They should have been shut down long ago if you rely on the FMCSA criteria.


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